Monday, October 20, 2008

CheF KaMi

So let me start out by saying that I have NeVeR EvEr been a good cook or even a cook at all for that matter... but I have been told many times that now with me being married I might want to pick up on some of those skills!! Okay, I can do that, so the other night I felt like being ' a good wife' and make Zack dinner. I was going to make TaCo's!! I had it all thought up in my head and I was stoked! But it didn't go as planned! ( ended up great though ) First I burnt half of the meat... GREAT!!! Then half way through mixing the cooked meat and seasoning did i realize I didn't have any shells, tomatoes, lettuce or sour cream... all essentials to making taco's!!! Double GREAT!! So I scavanged through the pantry, found some chips, cheese and salsa and TA DA I have a master piece!! So now you can call me CheF Kami!!Oh the glory of learning how to cook


MiNdY said...

Oh Ha Ha Ha.. you kill me! Way to go on TRYING! It looks delicious, and its a good thing Zack is an eater. It works the same way with Cody, He'll eat anything so even if I do screw it up he wont waste it :) which makes me feel a little better.

Emily said...

Great save! Looks good...definitely my kind of tacos:)